1986 - 2024

IF YOU HAVE INFORMATION : LAPD Central Bureau Homicide (213) 996 - 4142
On Saturday, May 25, 2024, at approximately 3:25 a.m., JOHNNY WACTOR, 37, accompanied Anita Joy, his coworker and friend of nearly a decade, to her vehicle after their bartending shift at Level 8. Minutes later, when they happened upon three masked men attempting to steal the catalytic converter from Johnny's own car, he was shot point-blank and killed, near 1246 South Hope Street, DTLA ...
The three masked men fled northbound in a dark sedan on South Hope Street.
They remain at large!
This site was established by Johnny's family & friends to share official information and to assist in the search, arrest, prosecution, and punishment of those responsible -- ultimately, to bring justice for Johnny's senseless death.
He was an adoring son to Scarlett, a protective older brother to Lance & Grant, a godson, a cousin,
a professional film/TV actor who always made time for his fans, an athlete, an avid lover of nature,
a proud warrior in sobriety, a loving and loyal friend to so many!
You can help by donating to his family's GoFundMe campaign,
by writing and calling Los Angeles' elected officials and authorities
to bring urgency and attention to this investigation, by sharing Johnny's story.